As the sequel to the greatest Spider-Man movie of all time—and it’s not just us saying that now, Tom Holland officially agrees—this week’s Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse has a lot to live up to. But while we can all spend the next four years arguing over whether the new movie’s more expansive take on Miles Morales’ trips across kaleidoscopic reality trumps the more focused original flick, it’s impossible to deny that there is a whole hell of a lot of stuff to look at in this movie. Gorgeous backgrounds, shifting art styles, and, of course, Easter eggs, which the film has in overwhelming abundance—especially once the dimension-hopping begins in earnest, and Miles begins interacting with literally hundreds of other Spider-folk.
We could never hope to catch every reference or in-joke in this jam-packed treasure trove of a movie—that’ll have to wait for a format with a handy pause button, and our Official Handbook Of The Marvel Universe cracked open on our laps—but we did want to highlight our favorites out of the ones we did notice. So buckle up, as we do this… one last time. (Until the next time, at least.)