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Everyone must go: Here are this week's Game Of Thrones dead pool odds

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Photo: Jerome Flynn/HBO
Photo: Jerome Flynn/HBO

It’s finale week, and almost everyone’s in play. Eckstein The Oddsmaker said all the major characters—Jaime, Jon, Cersei, etc.—are here to stay, so we’re leaning harder on the B-characters this week. Plus, we’ve got some odds on several Prophecies For Profit.

Here are this week’s odds:

2-1 The Mountain

Photo: HBO
Photo: HBO

Eckstein the oddsmaker says: It looks like CleganeBowl is coming, and I think the zombies lose.

The A.V. Club says: Can you kill a dead guy?

5-1 Littlefinger

Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO
Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

Eckstein the oddsmaker says: He’s just so sleazy. Someone has to kill him.

The A.V. Club says: It all depends on whether Arya’s on to him. So far, it doesn’t look like she is, but she’s also proven herself to be a talented actress.

10-1 Yara Greyjoy

Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO
Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

Eckstein the oddsmaker says: They need to bring her back and kill her already, for crying out loud.

The A.V. Club says: For real. Where is Yara?

20-1 The Hound

Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO
Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

Eckstein the oddsmaker says: We think he’s going to win, so long odds on The Hound.

The A.V. Club says: It does feel like there’s still more to The Hound’s story.

25-1 Sansa

Photo: HBO
Photo: HBO

Eckstein the oddsmaker says: She could be in trouble, because Arya’s pissed.

The A.V. Club says: If Sansa’s going to die, it’s going to be her own fault.

8-1 The Field: Qyburn, Varys, Jorah Mormont, Greyworm, Bronn, Melisandre, Davos, Beric, Tormund Giantsbane, Brienne Of Tarth, Euron Greyjoy

Photo: Macall B. Polay/HBO
Photo: Macall B. Polay/HBO

Prophecies for profit:

Note: Bets placed here stay active throughout the course of the show.

5-1 Jon will slay the ice dragon.

Photo: HBO
Photo: HBO

Eckstein the oddsmaker says: It might not happen this week, but it’ll happen eventually.

The A.V. Club says: But it’s Daenerys’ kid, and he’s trying to woo her!

10-1 The Wall comes down

Photo: HBO
Photo: HBO

Eckstein the oddsmaker says: It’s lasted for years, but George R.R. Martin will do some strange shit.

The A.V. Club says: It would be a dramatic ending to the season.

25-1 Bran is the Night King

Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO
Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO

Eckstein the oddsmaker says: I’m just throwing out some fun prophecies for the final episode.

The A.V. Club says: It’s a popular theory online for a reason.

100-1 This week, we’ll have Red Wedding 2. Everyone gets destroyed, and there is no season eight.

Eckstein the oddsmaker says: I’ve finally gone off the rails. Maybe I’ve been touched by the Night King.


The A.V. Club says: Not gonna happen.

Previous prophecies for profit that are still in play:
2-1 The Hound emerges victorious in CleganeBowl.
5-1 The Mountain emerges victorious in CleganeBowl.
10-1 Someone else wins CleganeBowl.
3-1 Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen will sit on the throne together at the end of the series.
Over/under on episodes in which Cersei remains on the Iron Throne: 8.5.
Over/under on how many episodes until Jon Snow’s true parentage is revealed to him: 5.5. [Note: Nope!]
4-5 Jaime Lannister kills Cersei
2-1 Arya kills Cersei
8-1 Tyrion Lannister kills Cersei
6-5 Anyone else kills Cersei
6-5 Drogon dies from poison absorbed through his arrow wound
3-1 Euron is the father of Cersei’s baby
5-1 Jaime is the father of Cersei’s baby
10-1 The Mountain is the father of Cersei’s baby
100-1 Cersei has a dragon baby


Over/Under on total deaths of named characters this week: 4.5

Our picks this week are:

Emi Tolibas ($2,754 Westerosi bucks in the bank): $500 on Littlefinger, $20 on the field, $500 on the Under.


Leo Garcia ($985): $100 on The Mountain, $100 on Littlefinger, $100 on The Hound, $100 the wall comes down, $100 on the field, $100 on the under. “No guts, no glory! Though let’s be honest, I’m never gonna catch Emi.”

Grace Thomas ($120): $50 on the wall coming down, $10 on Yara, $15 on Littlefinger, $15 on the field, and $10 on the under.


Danette Chavez ($115): $5 on Littlefinger, $5 on the wall, $5 on the field, $5 on the under.

Caity PenzeyMoog ($101): $30 on Littlefinger, $20 on The Mountain, $20 on the field.


Karl Blomberg ($100): $20 on the wall coming down, $20 on the field, $20 on the under.

Kristi-Lynn Jacovino ($82): $20 on Littlefinger, $25 on the wall, $7 on the field.


Marah Eakin ($80): $60 on the field, $10 on the wall, $10 on The Hound.

Alex McLevy ($3): $3 on Bran being the Night King.