This year marks a quarter century since Christopher Nolan’s feature directorial debut, Following, first played in front of an audience. In the years since, Nolan has risen from indie darling to blockbuster sorcerer, one of those rare modern filmmakers who’s captured the attention of both mainstream audiences and die-hard cinephiles, and one of the few directors working today who seems to have carte blanche to follow his imagination wherever it takes him.
And that imagination has taken him to some pretty wild places, from the depths of a pre-constructed dream world to the mind of a man with anterograde amnesia to the very fabric of spacetime itself. Over the course of a career that now spans a dozen films, he’s made superhero movies, noir thrillers, historical dramas, and science-fiction spectacles, and he’s done it all with a style that’s endeared him to a devoted fanbase hanging on every new release.
In honor of Nolan’s latest, the historical epic Oppenheimer, we’re taking a look back at how this career came together, and how each of his dozen feature films stack up against the rest. This is every Christopher Nolan movie, ranked.