For all Mankind - Molly and Wayne argue about the charlatan procedure
For All Mankind has had a lot of dysfunctional couples across its three seasons so far, but the enduring, rock-solid partnership between ambitious astronaut Molly Cobb (Sonya Walger) and her supportive husband Wayne (Lenny Jacobson) was a notable exception. On paper, these two seem like total opposites—she’s driven and focused on a STEM-based career while he’s a laid-back artist—but they complemented each other perfectly. While Molly was making history as the first woman on the moon, Wayne often got lumped in with the other spouses (mostly women), forced to wait and worry from the ground. Rather than resenting his wife’s fame and success, though, he supported her and developed healthy coping mechanisms to deal with his fears, including herbal remedies and channeling his nightmares into his art.
The only time we saw any tension between them was when he threatened to leave rather than watch her subject herself to an experimental and dangerous procedure in an attempt to restore her failing eyesight. He might have been the only person on Earth, or any other planet, who could have convinced her not to go through with it. By the end of season three, Molly has left NASA and taken up painting. So after three decades of life in the space program, they proved they had what it takes to make a marriage work, even in the most extraordinary of circumstances. [Cindy White]